Thursday, October 20, 2005

Contradiction Society

Thinking in culture, we have many strange things in japan, and in the last days I was making a list of contradictions found in the japanese life. In fact they aren't reeeeeally contradictions, but conflicting customs and opposite ideas. Behold!
  1. Tecnology x Tradition
    This is the most obvious, strange and beautiful thing in Japan. We are surrounded by temples, big buildings, houses full of plasma televisions but with futons instead of beds. One case was a restaurant that I went other day, very family style - no employees, just the family members making delicious food and serving it in a very cozy way. We have this all around the world, but not in every place these restaurants have automatic doors with motion sensors. Also, maybe Japan is the only place where you can see salarymen in temples to bless their laptops for the new year.
  2. Religion Customs x Religion Faith
    Speaking in temples and stuff, Japan is a mistery of religions. They mainly have Buddhist, Shintoist and Christian traditions. And mixed! That is, one can have a Buddhist baptism, Christian marriage and Shintoist funeral. I asked some japanese what they really believe in religion, most of them say that they don't believe much, but all of them follow the traditions.
  3. Lack of Love x Perversion (hentai stuff)
    That is a strong and sad thing. It is known that the japanese culture doesn't demonstrate love as the western one (at least compared to the brazilian culture), but sad cases are very common here. For example, parents that stop loving each other, but because they have children, they still stay together just for the sake of them. Stay together, in this case, is just live in the same house - normally in different rooms, and barely speaking to each other. I wonder if kids prefer these parents or divorced, happy ones. On the other side, Japan's porno market is bigger then you imagine, you can find all kinds of weird stuff here. Maybe the sad family guys deviate from the normal living way to the porn market because of the lack of love. Whatever...
  4. Big television sets x Crappy programs
    Thats a simple and funny one: you can find all kinds of giant high definition TV sets, but the programs passing on the tv are almost always of bad taste (this is my viewpoint). I still need more time or alcohol to understand the japan humor, and the actors are terrible. At least the commercials are very crazy, this is cool ;)
  5. China: Inheritance x Disdain
    Japan copied much of its culture from China, from the kanji to the food. However, they act with the chinese with indifference, often making worse the quarrel between Japan and China. Even the Japanese prime minister refused to ask sorry for a massacre made by japanese soldiers in chinese lands in the past. The funny thing is that recently a north american pilot that threw one of the atomic bombs back in 1945 came to japan to see the post-war museums, and also refused to apologise.
  6. Low violence rate - High suicide rate
    Japan is one of the safest developed countries, and the crime tax is really low here. The bad thing is that people suicide a lot, mainly the young people. The japanese stories tells many cases of double suicide or killing the partner and then suiciding as a way to 'be together forever'.
  7. High Education x Bullying and strict teachers
    Its not by change that this small country became one of the first world potencies, everything is based on the education. And on this aspect, we observe many prodigious minds in a strict education system, where bullying is common, teachers don't have power to control students, and at the same time they are strict and rude with the students. This often causes depression, traumas and can end with suicide.
  8. Infra-structure for the old and deficient - Where are the benches???
    As a country with high life expectancy, Japanese ojiisans and obaasans (old people) can't complain about infrastructure - everything is built based on them. So we have elevators, ramps and special pavements for the blind everywhere and braile inscriptions even on stair's handrails. However, its difficult to find a single bench in places like malls, subways and stores. It seems that the government doesn't want people to rest even if is just a little... as a result, we have many japanese girls squating by the walls or sitting on normal stairs.
  9. Infinite digital cameras - Strict picture prohibitions
    Along with the mobile phones, the digital cameras are a must here. Everyone has its own digital camera, and people really love to take pictures. On the other side, they are forbidden in many places such as museums, shows, concerts... don't tell me about copy protection, I can easily get a full resolution of a painting in a trusted site on the internet, so it's not a issue here. Also, I heard that in some places in Europe you can freely take pictures and videos of almost everything. I remember when I went to a Van Gogh exposition in Nagoya, and I couldn't even send a e-mail by my mobile phone!!! WHY? The use of mobile phones is also forbidden in some places like trains.
  10. Anime - Reality
    The last point is a trademark of japanese culture - mangas and animes. The japanese manga style of drawing depicts almost everything that the japanese are not: big eyes, tall characters, big boobs, coloured crazy hairs (they are getting close on this one, though).
Ahh I'm tired. I could write a lot more, but then it will take aeons to finish. Maybe someday I'll add more opinions on the comments or in another post... are there other good ones?


At 12:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Corlen!

Very good post. I'll just add a few points...

About japanese (love x perversion), I have to agree that japanese are VERY perverted. There had been reports of men playing "pocket billiards" in trains, for instance.

On the other hand, their sex education is dreadfully low. Many japanese man don't understand how to properly use a condom, and contraceptive pills were now allowed until very few years ago. And still girls don't understand them very well. A friend of mine gave a few talks on sex education for adults recently, and was surprised with girls 25 years old that didn't quite understand menstruation and its consequences, and men who just flat out refused to talk about condom usage.

Yeah, there is quite more, but I feel I have rambled quite a lot here. :-)

At 6:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's interesting to see my own country from another views but let me say something...
2. About religious celebrations, it's always been my question, too. I sometimes think that they should stop and think for a while what and what for, they are doing that. But the good thing is that they can enjoy every festivals from all over the world beyond cutural and religious differences. In fact, Japanese are said really to love "お祭り騒ぎ".
3. Sad, but I often hear that Japanese mothers tend to dedicate themselves, first for their husbands and then for their children. And they very often get lost what their own hapiness is. Looking from my view, parents don't get divorced not only because of their children but because they don't know how they can be happier. I mean, they don't think they might be able to be happier by divorcing each other.
Talking about the happiness of children, some of my friends' parents have divorced but mine haven't. Those friends don't look very happy about that and rather, I can always see a deep scar in their hearts. Happiness is not difined by the number or the depth of scars in your heart but I think you can't judge whether the Japanese way is wrong or right. Anyway, family issues are always very delicate and it's not something to be talked from others. They have their own view of happiness.
6. This is the thing I most want to say, IT'S NOT THE YOUTH THAT IS SUICIDING!! It's rather the elderlies and the workers and that is a famous problem in Japan. I can show you some data here.
TVs and newspapers only shout out rare and serious cases so it's not strange that you don't know but before writing these things on somewhere anyone can see, it's better for you to search for some evidences not to spread the misunderstandings.
7. Those who is driving the students mad is not teachers. I never saw a teacher like you say. Those contributing to the worsening of "受験戦争(examination ordeal?)" is parents and cram schools(but not the teachers there) and the system of evaluating marks of the students. However, I've heard that in China, the examination wars are far worse than in Japan...

At 6:03 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Concordo com todos os pontos, embora nunca tenha pensado muito a respeito.

O que chama a minha atenção é o fato dessa gente tão estranha e extremamente alienada, ser capaz de fazer coisas tão legais, como games e animes. Será o efeito pós guerra que destruiu os pobres japoneses? Se bem que na época do império eles também já não eram bem certos... seriam os japoneses capazes de criar coisas realmente novas ao invés de apenas reproduzir e melhorar o que foi feito anteriormente por outras culturas?

Abraço guri! T+ ^^


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